And there it is. I
completely forgot about all this for the longest longest time. In my own defense, its been a very busy couple of months. New job, new house, new activities. Lessons have been going well, although there is a lot of backstage work that goes with it. The support stuff does pile in at times, but its all good. Have been popping over to Oxford, its funny to feel that close to a place these days. Grandad passed away. Quietly, silently, with dignity, like he was in life. I'll miss him terribly. He was the one to teach me to
look at things, to go beyond the obvious.
Ultimately, I guess that made me into a scientist. Spent new year in the Highlands, I
finally went to Scotland! And I felt deeply connected with that place. Haven't acted since leaving Oxford, but helped with a production of
Of Mice and Men at school, that went really well. So all good, if quiet. Oh, and am doing the 3 peaks challenge. God help us all, watch this space....
Yep, am here. Welcome back to the blogosphere. Just stupidly busy at the mo - universities are not happy places currently. Catch up soon, love, Cx
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