Saturday, 18 April 2009

Powering up again!

Not going to go through it again. Felt worse, now feel better, and charging up for the last stretch.  It's going to be AMAZING. It's like T says, 2009 will be a kick-ass year!

PS - Enjoy my shenanigans in the lab....

Friday, 10 April 2009

Serene, quiet and placid.

Like the ocean, blue sky, strong Sun, no storms. Placid, flat, serene and quiet. I'd moved on, but feel now even more reassured, and ready for the next step in my life. Change of pace, scenery and who knows what else! 2 months to go, almost there.

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Its quiet.... Too quiet....

Lord oh Lord oh Lord. FINALLY the holidays. Finally some time to catch up with myself. Always rushed, always stuff on my plate, could be worse though. Got a job, trying to sort out a flat, should be great. Getting to grips with the new schedule, not waking at 6, doing the dissertation. The future awaits me. What has passed is a bit on my mind at the moment, maybe because some of the stuff I'll be going through in the near future, had been planned in The Before Time. I'm happier now though, its just the last bit of decompression. Once again, a change of scenery, a change in rithm, all shall come to pass in the next couple of months. Can't wait!!