Friday, 23 October 2009
New beginnings, this time for real....
For those of you that have been following this, some of the previous posts are all about change, renewal. Those were more wishful than fact, if I'm honest, but they finally ring true. I seem to have bounced back, and all seems to be going amazingly, bar any jinx. Work is going well, really good feedback. And I've met someone. Someone that makes me laugh, someone that cares and makes the time. Quite a busy someone, granted, but we have time, no one is running after us. The previous couple of weeks have been amazing, and I truthfully hope they are but the first of many many more. Have a week's worth of half term, time to collect myself and get ready for what's out there!!
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Home, hot home.
Its always the same. It appears I have to be home to write this. And so I am, and so I did. Moved house, back in the midlands. Great new place, cute, tidy and clean! Am back in cooking mode, can you believe it?? And of course, am back in the Motherland, for another week. I feel amazing, the future is in front of me. Job sounds good, my boss is amazing! Have billionsof new pictures, will add them very soon, whatch this space!
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Powering up again!
Not going to go through it again. Felt worse, now feel better, and charging up for the last stretch. It's going to be AMAZING. It's like T says, 2009 will be a kick-ass year!
PS - Enjoy my shenanigans in the lab....
Friday, 10 April 2009
Serene, quiet and placid.
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Its quiet.... Too quiet....

Lord oh Lord oh Lord. FINALLY the holidays. Finally some time to catch up with myself. Always rushed, always stuff on my plate, could be worse though. Got a job, trying to sort out a flat, should be great. Getting to grips with the new schedule, not waking at 6, doing the dissertation. The future awaits me. What has passed is a bit on my mind at the moment, maybe because some of the stuff I'll be going through in the near future, had been planned in The Before Time. I'm happier now though, its just the last bit of decompression. Once again, a change of scenery, a change in rithm, all shall come to pass in the next couple of months. Can't wait!!
Sunday, 15 March 2009
What an absolutely bonkers couple of weeks. Work exploded, women, theater plays, I hardly had any time for anything, really. But it was great fun, and taught me loads. Like, I might be a half decent teacher after all. And I love the theater. And there are nice women out there. So, in true Rui fashion, getting the good out of life, I learned much, and will go out into the Universe with a huge smile on my face. Go on, Tomorrow, give me what you got! (PS - The picture is me on stage, with one of the most realistic Panto dame I've ever seen!! :) )
Friday, 23 January 2009
Kuite (?) Enchanting (?) People... (KEP's)
For most of my life, I felt like I was swimming against the tide. Things worked in a particular way, people talked in a certain way, people behaved in a certain way. I never really saw eye -to-eye with 'the people' whoever they might be. I was then fortunate enough to find more people that were also swimming alongside me and they became my best friends. On New Year's Eve, I found another bunch of them, the KEP's. Mad, mad, mad, every single one of them, and the nicest people you could ever meet. They saw this mad friend of their 'parents' that went a bit (A BIT??) mental with movie questions, and they still made him feel welcome and loved. I was really touched, and I hope to see them again very soon. Many hugs and kisses guys! Oh, and T and H put on the best show in the world ever for us! There was food to feed a regiment, games (They MADE a game. MADE IT!!) and everything! All in all, the best party ever!
Friday, 16 January 2009

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