Saturday, 29 November 2008
Bill Bailey is a genius and his love song is the best ever!
Those who know me know I am not one who loves poetry uncondicionally. I like it, oh yes, but I'm not one to sit and read poetry for hours on end. This one, however, is an exception....
Perdidamente / Lost
To be a poet is to be taller, is to be bigger
Than men ! To bite the way you kiss !
Is to be a beggar and to give as if you were
King of the Kingdom this side and the other of Pain !
Is to have a thousand splendorous wishes
Is not even to know that you are wishing
Is to have a flaming star inside
Is to have claws and wings of a Condor !
Is to be hungry, to be thirsty of the Infinite !
By crown, the mornings of gold and satin…
To condense the world in one shout !
And is to love you like that, completely lost
For you to be the Soul, and Blood and Life in me
And tell everyone singing.
The original version in Portuguese:
Ser poeta é ser mais alto, é ser maior
Do que os homens! Morder como quem beija!
É ser mendigo e dar como quem seja
Rei do Reino de Aquém e de Além Dor!
É ter de mil desejos o esplendor
E não saber sequer que se deseja!
É ter cá dentro um astro que flameja,
É ter garras e asas de condor!
É ter fome, é ter sede de Infinito!
Por elmo, as manhãs de oiro e de cetim…
É condensar o mundo num só grito!
E é amar-te, assim, perdidamente…
É seres alma, e sangue, e vida em mim
E dizê-lo cantando a toda a gente!
Also, this poem was turned into one of the most beautiful songs by the Portuguese band Trovante. Enjoy....
Friday, 28 November 2008
The iPod is the greatest invention since the wheel, chocolate, Star Trek, Dr Who and kittens..

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Old portuguese saying....