I was born and raised in a place that is green and lush with plant life, that has geckos in every stone wall over the Summer, and were people eat loads of fruit and veg. And meat and fish, obviously. Really, really good stuff. What we don't do, however - although were big on both of them, separately - is put milk in tea. Ever. You might as well slap your grandmother or kick a small child. It would be ruining a perfectly good cup of milk, and a equally perfect cup of milk. I read somewhere that is the way the Indians (Subcontinent, not native Americans) had tea, and the British just picked it up. And yeast extract, ye Gods, that sounds like something that would be a side-product of beer making, and the concept of putting it on bread would not have occurred to anyone. However.... I must say that, after 4 1/2 years of residence, I like both of these products. Yes, yes, I know. I'm still surprised by the British on a daily basis and bits of their culture will never make sense to me, but I started to like both milky tea and Marmite. I still prefer coffee and butter and cheese, but I have found that there is room for the local traditions. Does this mean I'm going native? Maybe. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. I just wish I could see the Sun more often around here....